M is for Monster eBook Ian Woodhead Serenity Banks David Youngquist Simon Unsworth Geoff Nelder Kate Jonez Zach Black John Prescott Ash Krafton Adrian Chamberlin

M is for Monster eBook Ian Woodhead Serenity Banks David Youngquist Simon Unsworth Geoff Nelder Kate Jonez Zach Black John Prescott Ash Krafton Adrian Chamberlin
M is for Monster is an anthology of horror from A-Z where each story is named A, B, C etc. As in all anthologies there are stories that outshine others but overall this book is worth every penny. In this collection, readers will confront classic creatures and some unnamable entities as well. Some of my favorite stories are as follows. Remember all stories in this book are titled by a letter of the alphabet:A. A man who makes a living of destroying forests finally has a fatal confrontation with a physical embodiment of Nature.
B. Throughout this tale a man is tormented by visions of a Banshee and finds that not all is what it seems when the story reaches its grim conclusion.
D. A boy named Billy is possessed by the demons that live in his closet.
G. Is a gory rendition of David and Goliath. This tale is styled in a sense where the reader questions who the real monsters are.
H. Is about a satanic cult that opens the gates of Hell and releases Sir Fergus Barclay. I was really impressed with this story as the author stays true to fact while mixing fiction into it.
I. This story reminded me of quite a few horror classic movies and it made me happy to see this style hasn't died. It reminded me of such classics like The Devils, Satanico Pandemonium, Alucarda, etc. We open with a nun masturbating. Shortly later, she is raped by an imp that disguises himself as a man. She gives birth to a half human half monster hybrid that she intends to raise. She later names her offspring, Myrddin.
L. A couple visit a mansion for a drug purchase. The drug purchase turns into a grimy partner sex swap between the buyers and the sellers. After Rozz, the purchaser, has sex with the drug dealer's zombified looking wife, he discovers the couple is into Frankenstein style experiments but these experiments don't require science - they require magic. Overall it reminded me of the music video Criminal by Fiona Apple but with a Lovecraftian twist.
N. I believe this story has a political message that regards how we sometimes have fear of imported foods. N is about Asian noodle restaurants that are serving imported mystery meat, which is infested with bugs. When people consume the meat they defecate and puke themselves to death. Sometimes the vomit and defecation is bloody to the point where the victim has literally defecated their own intestines.
O. This story left a big impression on me, even though the concept was a simple one. O is focused on a ring that has been given to a person from a stranger. The ring causes the receiver to eat himself such as the infinity snake that eats its own tail.
S. For the mythology lover in all of us, S focuses on a town that is overtaken by Stymphalian birds, which is a species of bird that Hercules fought. If you think this story isn't gory, think again as the birds feathers are razor sharp and their beaks are like knives. Alfred Hitchcock, eat your heart out!
X. Overall, this story freaked me out as it focuses on a reoccurring nightmare that I have. It's the horror of not being able to die and having no other choice but to suffer for eternity in the pain that has been inflicted. The reader is introduced to a man who commits suicide by shooting himself in the head. Although, you think this is the worst of the story, the lead character is left alive where he discovers that a creature has been living in his head. I imagined this creature to be a physical manifestation of his conscience.
Y. This story takes the cake as it is not for the weak stomached person. This is a very tabooish story that is pedophile themed. The story regards gay child sex between a boy and multiple men. This sexually themed story is from the point of view of the child, who enjoys the molestations. After a brief display of his sex life, the reader is introduced to some pretty hardcore torture porn in a reality that is blurred between our own and a sex crazed nightmare. This story really pushes the envelope and what makes it so scary is sometimes there doesn't have to be a reason for things to happen, they simply happen without an explanation.
As I said, these are only a few stories that I enjoyed. There were quite a few other stories that I equally found fascinating or ones that had a major impact. As you can tell this collection isn't for the faint of heart and I had read it going into Halloween, due to the many different styles and themes that this anthology has, it got me right in the festive mood to enjoy the season.

Tags : Amazon.com: M is for Monster eBook: Ian Woodhead, Serenity Banks, David Youngquist, Simon Unsworth, Geoff Nelder, Kate Jonez, Zach Black, John Prescott, Ash Krafton, Adrian Chamberlin: Kindle Store,ebook,Ian Woodhead, Serenity Banks, David Youngquist, Simon Unsworth, Geoff Nelder, Kate Jonez, Zach Black, John Prescott, Ash Krafton, Adrian Chamberlin,M is for Monster,FICTION Horror
M is for Monster eBook Ian Woodhead Serenity Banks David Youngquist Simon Unsworth Geoff Nelder Kate Jonez Zach Black John Prescott Ash Krafton Adrian Chamberlin Reviews
This is a fun selection of short stories. I haven't read the whole thing yet, but I've enjoyed what I have read.
I could see some of these stories being on Alfred Hitchcock or The Twilight Zone. The plot twists would fit in very well with both series.
M is for Monster, "an alphabetical anthology of abominations", is the first collection from American author John Prescott. In this book are 26 stories from 26 authors, where each author was given a letter of the alphabet and tasked with writing a short story about a monster based around that letter. Within these pages is a fine collection of authors, some more known than others, such as Simon Kurt Unsworth, Rakie Keig and Jonathan Green, to lesser known authors just starting out on their publishing journey such as Adrian Chamberlin, Ian Woodhead and Zach Black.
I've always found reviewing short story collections difficult, mainly because I don't like to talk to much about the plot in reviews. I don't like revealing too many spoilers. All in all this book is a worthy purchase for anyone who likes short stories. There is a lot to love about this book, the cover art is top notch and the ratio of hit to miss stories is very high. There is always an inherent problem with short story collections in that not every story will appeal to every reader, even in a single author collection. When for the most part a collection is made up of newbies, it becomes that little bit harder to keep the hit rate up. So it's all credit to John Prescott, for selecting 26 stories that all right, do vary in strength, but never dips below a good read. I've read anthologies that have been made up with some big hitting names, which didn't deliver as good a round up as this book.
If I had a complaint then maybe the editing could have been a bit tighter in places, however you could say that about books published by so called big house publishers.
So what were my favourite stories of this collection,
N - Simon Kurt Unsworth
H - Zach Black
P - Ian Woodhead
W - Adrian Chamberlin
V - Serenity J. Banks
X - John Palisano.
I highly recommend buying this book, there is enough monsters within these pages to satisfy even the most jaded horror fan. However you may never want to go out for a curry or stop off at a noodle bar again.
Available for purchase here
( Note for the UK reader in no way is John Prescott John "Two Jags" Prescott")
I didn't like it, although that may be more a reflection of me than the book. Nothing in here for me.
M is for Monster is an anthology of horror from A-Z where each story is named A, B, C etc. As in all anthologies there are stories that outshine others but overall this book is worth every penny. In this collection, readers will confront classic creatures and some unnamable entities as well. Some of my favorite stories are as follows. Remember all stories in this book are titled by a letter of the alphabet
A. A man who makes a living of destroying forests finally has a fatal confrontation with a physical embodiment of Nature.
B. Throughout this tale a man is tormented by visions of a Banshee and finds that not all is what it seems when the story reaches its grim conclusion.
D. A boy named Billy is possessed by the demons that live in his closet.
G. Is a gory rendition of David and Goliath. This tale is styled in a sense where the reader questions who the real monsters are.
H. Is about a satanic cult that opens the gates of Hell and releases Sir Fergus Barclay. I was really impressed with this story as the author stays true to fact while mixing fiction into it.
I. This story reminded me of quite a few horror classic movies and it made me happy to see this style hasn't died. It reminded me of such classics like The Devils, Satanico Pandemonium, Alucarda, etc. We open with a nun masturbating. Shortly later, she is raped by an imp that disguises himself as a man. She gives birth to a half human half monster hybrid that she intends to raise. She later names her offspring, Myrddin.
L. A couple visit a mansion for a drug purchase. The drug purchase turns into a grimy partner sex swap between the buyers and the sellers. After Rozz, the purchaser, has sex with the drug dealer's zombified looking wife, he discovers the couple is into Frankenstein style experiments but these experiments don't require science - they require magic. Overall it reminded me of the music video Criminal by Fiona Apple but with a Lovecraftian twist.
N. I believe this story has a political message that regards how we sometimes have fear of imported foods. N is about Asian noodle restaurants that are serving imported mystery meat, which is infested with bugs. When people consume the meat they defecate and puke themselves to death. Sometimes the vomit and defecation is bloody to the point where the victim has literally defecated their own intestines.
O. This story left a big impression on me, even though the concept was a simple one. O is focused on a ring that has been given to a person from a stranger. The ring causes the receiver to eat himself such as the infinity snake that eats its own tail.
S. For the mythology lover in all of us, S focuses on a town that is overtaken by Stymphalian birds, which is a species of bird that Hercules fought. If you think this story isn't gory, think again as the birds feathers are razor sharp and their beaks are like knives. Alfred Hitchcock, eat your heart out!
X. Overall, this story freaked me out as it focuses on a reoccurring nightmare that I have. It's the horror of not being able to die and having no other choice but to suffer for eternity in the pain that has been inflicted. The reader is introduced to a man who commits suicide by shooting himself in the head. Although, you think this is the worst of the story, the lead character is left alive where he discovers that a creature has been living in his head. I imagined this creature to be a physical manifestation of his conscience.
Y. This story takes the cake as it is not for the weak stomached person. This is a very tabooish story that is pedophile themed. The story regards gay child sex between a boy and multiple men. This sexually themed story is from the point of view of the child, who enjoys the molestations. After a brief display of his sex life, the reader is introduced to some pretty hardcore torture porn in a reality that is blurred between our own and a sex crazed nightmare. This story really pushes the envelope and what makes it so scary is sometimes there doesn't have to be a reason for things to happen, they simply happen without an explanation.
As I said, these are only a few stories that I enjoyed. There were quite a few other stories that I equally found fascinating or ones that had a major impact. As you can tell this collection isn't for the faint of heart and I had read it going into Halloween, due to the many different styles and themes that this anthology has, it got me right in the festive mood to enjoy the season.

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