A Princess of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 9781494996833 Books

A Princess of Mars (1917) is a science fantasy novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first of his Barsoom series. Full of swordplay and daring feats, the novel is considered a classic example of 20th century pulp fiction. It is also a seminal instance of the planetary romance, a sub-genre of science fantasy that became highly popular in the decades following its publication. Its early chapters also contain elements of the Western. The story is set on Mars, imagined as a dying planet with a harsh desert environment. This vision of Mars was based on the work of the astronomer Percival Lowell, whose ideas were widely popularized in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Barsoom series inspired a number of well-known 20th century science fiction writers, including Jack Vance, Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert A. Heinlein, and John Norman. The series was also inspirational for many scientists in the fields of space exploration and the search for extraterrestrial life, including Carl Sagan, who read A Princess of Mars when he was a child.
A Princess of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 9781494996833 Books
One of my favorite books, and one that became the genesis of my interest in science fiction as a teen was 'The Martian Chronicles,' written by the late Ray Bradbury.Recently, I re-read 'The Martian Chronicles.' In the Introduction, in Ray's own words, he explained how he became interested in Mars in the first place. Essentially, he wrote that he was influenced by the 'Mars' series written by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
I had actually never even heard of the series or 'A Princess of Mars' before, so I picked it up and read it, interested in finding out what it was that influenced the writing of one of my favorite books.
'A Princess of Mars' is a great hero's journey, undertaken by a military captain named John Carter who finds himself transported to Mars though the powers of a magical cave. The Martians, as Carter soon learns, have an appetite for individual and group battle. Fortunately, that's just John Carter's style as well. Along the way, he falls in love with a beautiful reptilian (though quite human-looking in appearance) princess, and that drives the story for the better part of the novel.
If you like science fiction, buy the book. It's the great-grandfather of much of the great science fiction over the last half-century.
Product details

Tags : A Princess of Mars [Edgar Rice Burroughs] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. A Princess of Mars (1917) is a science fantasy novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the first of his Barsoom series. Full of swordplay and daring feats,Edgar Rice Burroughs,A Princess of Mars,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1494996839,FICTION Action & Adventure
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A Princess of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 9781494996833 Books Reviews
Edgar Rice Burroughs' 1912 novel "A Princess of Mars" is a brilliant, wonderful piece of literature. That it is still just as good one hundred years after it was written is testament to just how good a writer Burroughs was. What would it be like to be transported to another planet without a spaceship, guns, or even clothes? What would it be like to be plopped all alone in an alien culture with nothing to rely on but one's wits, strength, agility, courage, and ethics? What would that world be like if it was dried up planet with mere canals to provide water and its mighty seas were dried up? What if that planet had an ancient culture that had vanished with the drying up of the seas and all that remained were dead seas and hordes of savages roaming the dead sea bottoms? What if these savages did not even give birth as we do but laid eggs and placed them in incubators for five long years? These are the questions Burrough must have asked before writing this terrific novel that spawned generation after generation of science fiction novels.
At root, if you put aside the alien planet, it is a story of a mighty swordsman and a beautiful princess and the swordsman, blundering though he may be in the ways of women, has sworn to save this damsel in distress though a million swords be arrayed against him. It is a story of a gallant Virginia gentleman and his love story to rescue over and over again his princess, Dejah Thoris. It is at times chivalry like the knights of the round table or the three musketeers.
Burroughs, back in 1912, gave his swordfighting warriors of Mars a few technological details, such as fliers that hovered above the seabeds and ray guns, but they preferred to fight with swords and fists and wear little but harnesses to hold their weapons. The people of Burroughs' Mars had an atmospheric plant that kept the thin atmosphere breathable and navigation systems on their fliers, but they were, even the red martians, in numerous little city-states forever at war with each other.
Burroughs wrote this story of chivalry and derring-do for a readership that craved adventure, but he gave them far more than just adventure. He created mighty kingdoms and history and a whole culture that is just stupendous. No one before or since has created a sword and planet story quite as good as Burroughs did and this the first of the eleven Martian books was the best of all.
This novel was a complete surprise for me. First, I saw a movie on TV called John Carter. I thought it was great. Next, I noticed it was based on a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs- of Tarzan fame? No way, I thought. So, when my family bought me a tablet for Christmas, I decided to look for it. At the ridiculous price of $0.00, I bought it. I am now on the third of his series of books. What is so interesting for me is that this series talks to the future in the same manner of Jules Verne or H.G. Wells. He published this first book in 1917 I believe. Flight was a very young idea back then. He deals with it in a very delightful and adventurous manner, along with other ideas that I am sure stretched the imagination. And that is the point. I was used to the idea of seeing Johnny Weissmuller swinging through the jungle belting out his Tarzan yell and summoning all his animal friends in the jungle to confront "man" and save the day. Here was a man transported to the planet Mars to interact with many types of beings and many forms of their beliefs. In a wonderful salute to parody, Burroughs alludes to human civilization and its beliefs and faith in those beliefs in a delicate manner. On Mars for instance, one creatures Heaven may be another creatures dinner! Read it and see.
I want to add one entirely different remark. At a older age now, it is difficult for me to focus for longs periods of time on print. These tablets are something to consider. You can adjust the print size or font and the background you read it on. The is remarkable. When you download a book of choice it is delivered to you by "Whispernet", which fantastically comes to you in less than a minute!!!! Most of these books are at reduced prices. I have a Samsung tablet, so I know the app works on it. I do really think taking a look at those Fires might be worthy of a glance. They are dedicated to this reading structure and I heard they do not make a bunch on the tablets. They are interested in making money on the platform. So, the tablets are well made for the money. I might have a look at one if mine ever goes to that "heaven " for tablets.
One of my favorite books, and one that became the genesis of my interest in science fiction as a teen was 'The Martian Chronicles,' written by the late Ray Bradbury.
Recently, I re-read 'The Martian Chronicles.' In the Introduction, in Ray's own words, he explained how he became interested in Mars in the first place. Essentially, he wrote that he was influenced by the 'Mars' series written by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
I had actually never even heard of the series or 'A Princess of Mars' before, so I picked it up and read it, interested in finding out what it was that influenced the writing of one of my favorite books.
'A Princess of Mars' is a great hero's journey, undertaken by a military captain named John Carter who finds himself transported to Mars though the powers of a magical cave. The Martians, as Carter soon learns, have an appetite for individual and group battle. Fortunately, that's just John Carter's style as well. Along the way, he falls in love with a beautiful reptilian (though quite human-looking in appearance) princess, and that drives the story for the better part of the novel.
If you like science fiction, buy the book. It's the great-grandfather of much of the great science fiction over the last half-century.

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