So B It Sarah Weeks 9780064410472 Books

So B It Sarah Weeks 9780064410472 Books
I almost feel guilty sometimes reading books that are advertised as YA since I have not been "Y" for many decades. But I saw the trailer for the movie and so bought the book. I opened it and then suddenly it was hours later and i was still sitting there reading as Sarah Weeks brought the story to a very bittersweet end. 12 year old Heidi does not come across as a preternaturally wise and omniscient protagonist that so often describes literary child characters. She pretty much lives in a bubble with her mentally disabled mother - insulated by a kind neighbor/roommate and her special "good luck" powers that help keep the wolves from the door.Weeks does an excellent job of developing Heidi's growing frustration with how little she knows about herself, her family,or why she is where she is. After finding a clue in an old camera she decides that she has to follow it and the story of that trip and what she finds at the other end is the meat of the story. As in life, there are no pat solutions and no simple answers. She finds more frustration, anger, fear, and unexpected kindness and love and we see through her eyes as she comes to understand how life often does not grant us 'closure". There was an opportunity for a "happily ever after" ending but Weeks shies away from it and gives us a more nuanced explanation - but one that does not give the reader the closure that Heidi worked so hard to find. A wonderful and entrancing read.

Tags : So B. It [Sarah Weeks] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <strong>Now a major motion picture starring Alfre Woodard, Jessica Collins, John Heard, Jacinda Barrett,Sarah Weeks,So B. It,HarperCollins,0064410471,Family - General,Social Themes - Adolescence,Social Themes - Emotions & Feelings,Coming of age,Identity,Identity (Psychology),Identity;Fiction.,Mental illness,Mental illness;Fiction.,Mothers and daughters,Mothers and daughters;Fiction.,Children's Teenage fiction & true stories,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Children: Grades 4-6,Fiction,JUVENILE FICTION Family Parents,JUVENILE FICTION Social Themes Depression & Mental Illness,JUVENILE FICTION Social Themes General (see also headings under Family),JUVENILE FICTION Travel,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Family General (see also headings under Social Themes),Juvenile Fiction Social Themes Adolescence,Juvenile Fiction Social Themes Emotions & Feelings,Social Themes - General
So B It Sarah Weeks 9780064410472 Books Reviews
Told from the point of view of a child who grows up in an apartment with two handicapped women. Her mother is able to say only a handful or words and has nothing to offer her daughter except unconditional love. The other woman is a neighbor who knocks down the connecting door between apartments when she hears the baby crying. She cares for the child and the mother, providing dry diapers, food, even home schooling as the little girl grows. All inside the apartment. Because her handicap is that she is unable to step outside of her own front door. Everything they need is delivered. The little girl learns to explore the outside world on her own, and eventually takes off across the country to solve the mystery of how a woman with the mental age of a toddler, and a newborn infant came to be left all alone in a city apartment.
My daughter loved this book, there was a movie by the same name also, my daughter loved that but as most people say the book is way better. She was reading this from her schools library & I bought this for her the day she finished it & she already started reading it again. No spoilers but for a 12-15 girl this book might be a great read.
Good read even though several aspects are implausible. Hard to believe that you can live an undocumented life, that no one would ever come looking for you, that you would stumble into a stranger who could and would totally devote her life to your upbringing in a good way, that a twelve-year-old could make the cross-country trip alone with two sandwiches and very little money, get to her destination and solve a life-long mystery.
But, if you just throw those issues in a cabinet and lock the door temporarily, it's a good read. You will really care about the characters. It's a story where life is more than fair, good people have guardian angels and happily ever after is possible.
This is an extremely well-crafted novel for "young adult" readers. Yet, it never feels "crafted," at all, and this senior, senior reader enjoyed it greatly. In retrospect, I've recognized there has not been a person, an incident, a thought, a clue in 12-year-old heroine Heidi's life and search for her roots that was not prelude to and in someway causative of what she finally learns. Learns after her brave, long trek by bus across much of the nation to satisfy her curiosity about her "bum-brained" mother's mysterious past -- and, therefore, about herself -- all to be uncovered in "Liberty, NY." However, it never seems that those incidents, those persons, those clues are planted by author Sarah Weeks to tie all the aspects of her novel into the seamless whole she provides. Not a hint of it! The reader instead hurries forward, taken on and on by the incessancy of the story and the child's quest -- this is a true "page turner." It hardly allows a rest stop for a late-night reader's, "Have mercy somewhere, 'Lights Out' for tonight!"
The first time I could more than briefly set aside this little book, at least for a night or two, came when Heidi finally reaches her destination -- an old, by this time to her, fabled building on a hilltop at Liberty. There, she encounters an angered older man; a liar, Heidi realizes. Ah, ha, an adult reader understands; I know what this child will learn next; and it will be life-changing -- but not in any way our innocent has anticipated. Too, as Heidi makes several forays to and from that "liberty" hilltop, one finally begins to recognize how importantly, how gently, carefully, quietly, how tellingly, Ms. Weeks has had Heidi learn throughout all of her treks about the entrapments of lies and lying -- and, therefore, about truth.
Yes, this is a novel directed at "young adults;" but, I promise, when this child recognizes her saddening, saddening losses of her only known, biological family members -- as it seems to her, "both on the same day," readers of every age will feel those losses almost as greatly as she does.
Finally, the novel lifts Heidi, a so-special remnant of her "always" family, two persons Heidi blesses, to everyone's surprise, and Ms. Weeks' readers to cheerful outcomes and expectations. So B. It is a "comedy" in the classical sense -- it has a happy, well, a bitter-sweetly happy ending. It is and has been an often, often highly recommended comedy. One that young people for several decades now have loved and shared -- for good reasons.
(Incidentally, "So B. It," the movie -- with a stellar, vibrant cast -- is to be released in late 2017. "Informed, reliable sources" say it is a moving, family film, because of extraordinarily fine acting perhaps even more engaging than the novel -- !! "It will be well worth seeing, and a worthwhile addition to a family's libraries of films.")
Heidi and her mother live in Reno next door to Bernadette, who takes care of them. Heidi's mother has a disability and cannot live with Heidi on her own. Bernie is a caregiver, teacher, and friend to both Heidi and her mother. But Heidi wants to know who she and her mother are. When she sees photos of her mother as a young woman, Heidi impulsively decides to venture out alone for answers.
I almost feel guilty sometimes reading books that are advertised as YA since I have not been "Y" for many decades. But I saw the trailer for the movie and so bought the book. I opened it and then suddenly it was hours later and i was still sitting there reading as Sarah Weeks brought the story to a very bittersweet end. 12 year old Heidi does not come across as a preternaturally wise and omniscient protagonist that so often describes literary child characters. She pretty much lives in a bubble with her mentally disabled mother - insulated by a kind neighbor/roommate and her special "good luck" powers that help keep the wolves from the door.
Weeks does an excellent job of developing Heidi's growing frustration with how little she knows about herself, her family,or why she is where she is. After finding a clue in an old camera she decides that she has to follow it and the story of that trip and what she finds at the other end is the meat of the story. As in life, there are no pat solutions and no simple answers. She finds more frustration, anger, fear, and unexpected kindness and love and we see through her eyes as she comes to understand how life often does not grant us 'closure". There was an opportunity for a "happily ever after" ending but Weeks shies away from it and gives us a more nuanced explanation - but one that does not give the reader the closure that Heidi worked so hard to find. A wonderful and entrancing read.

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