Your Destination Is on the Left Lauren Spieller Books

Your Destination Is on the Left Lauren Spieller Books
Full disclosure here in that I was extremely privileged to read Your Destination Is on the Left in its infancy and also in this final form of completion, with this published version being a beautifully refined version of the one I first read.Dessa's story is one that pulled me in and has stuck with me over the months since I first read it. I'm a sucker for sibling stories, and the relationship between Dessa and her little brother, Rodney, is one I fully believed existed in real life. This goes for *each* of the relationships Lauren Spieller has written. No character is tossed onto the page solely as an excuse for Dessa to grow, but they all exist as their own people with their own stories, and they are all very respectfully told.
The heart Spieller has put onto the page is infectious and is clearly felt. Dessa's self-discovery through her family and friends, her passion for art, her decisions and dreams for her life are thoughtfully crafted, and it has me looking forward to her next book.
It's an incredibly empowering book to read, especially for teenagers at junctures in their life--encouraging them to keep focused and strive for their own dreams. Not the dreams their family or friends may have for them, but their *own*.
Altogether, Dessa's story was artfully, beautifully written, and I highly recommend the read!

Tags : Your Destination Is on the Left (9781481492126): Lauren Spieller: Books,Lauren Spieller,Your Destination Is on the Left,Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers,1481492128,Family - General,Romance - Contemporary,Artists,Artists;Fiction.,Bildungsromans,Coming of age,Coming of age;Fiction.,Families,Family,Family life,Nomads,Recreational vehicles,Self-confidence,Self-confidence;Fiction.,Children's Teenage fiction & true stories,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fiction-Coming of Age,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,TEEN'S FICTION - COMING OF AGE,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Coming of Age,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Family General (see also headings under Social Themes),YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Contemporary,Young Adult FictionFamily - General (see also headings under Social Themes),Young Adult FictionRomance - Contemporary,debut; YA debut; new releases in YA contemporary; coming of age; new releases in YA romance; contemporary YA; realistic YA; realistic teen; teen romance; art; found art; art internship; artists; friendship; dad; money problems; internships; teen internship; high school; college applications; Sarah Dessen; Morgan Matson; Emery Lord; Elizabeth Scott; Something Maybe; Amy & Roger's Epic Detour; The Infinite Moment of Us; The Moon and More; Something, Maybe; Lauren Myracle,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Coming of Age,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Family General (see also headings under Social Themes),YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance Contemporary,Young Adult FictionFamily - General (see also headings under Social Themes),Young Adult FictionRomance - Contemporary,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Children's Teenage fiction & true stories
Your Destination Is on the Left Lauren Spieller Books Reviews
Contemporary YA is my jam and I think Lauren Spieller’s Your Destination Is On the Left set itself apart from the rest. Spieller portrayed the fascinating ideas of modern-day nomadism and “found art” quite well. They were woven into the story quite well. Dessa was a relatable character, and I found myself rooting for her in her setbacks and cheering her on in those moments when she took risks.
Here’s a line that really grabbed me “… feel strange, like I’ve been running from something for days, only to discover I was never being chased.” There’ve been times in my life where I’ve realized the same but wasn’t able to put it so eloquently—those are Spieller’s words and they’re great!
Finding your way at that age (17/18) can be so hard, but Dessa had the added frustration of the traveling families’ process of “everybody votes” for major decision-making. Ugh, I can’t imagine!
Another excerpt that resonated with me “… I want to be everything all at once. No choice necessary … traveler. An artist. Daughter. Friend. Failure. Fighter. I want to be the sum of all these parts, no matter how hard it is to fit the pieces together.”
Wow, that turns having to choose one tine or the other of the proverbial fork in the road on its head – choose it all, even Failure.
Dessa’s journey kept me hooked and had surprises I didn’t predict!
I was not expecting to like this book as much as I did.
Your Destination Is on the Left is about 17-year-old Dessa and her path to finding her muse again. All through middle and high school, YA contemporary was my jam, but the genre slowly started to wear on me, and when Twilight kicked off the YA fantasy phenomenon, I didn't read much more contemporary aside from the fun, kitschy reads, only diving deeper into the world of fantasy. But then this book came along, and it not only surprised me, but it [i]inspired[/i] me.
There were countless times when I was reading where I just had to pause, because it felt like the words were speaking to [i]me.[/i] As a designer and a writer, I'm constantly comparing myself to others, questioning my talent, getting lost in the technique of my craft instead of the passion behind it—the reason I love it. I fear. I doubt. And reading this book, I felt [i]seen.[/i]
The characters were well done and likable, the writing was smooth, and the plot was everything that I remember those wonderful contemporaries I used to read to be—the ones that would make me strive for more, to view my life in a different way, to be excited for what lay ahead on the journey to adulthood. It's a book filled with heart, one that makes you smile, makes you angry, and makes your stomach flutter. But to me, the most important thing about this book was that it inspired me, as a 26-year-old, to not let fear get in the way of what I want in life, and I feel like I was given such a gift to have the chance to experience Dessa's story.
Full disclosure here in that I was extremely privileged to read Your Destination Is on the Left in its infancy and also in this final form of completion, with this published version being a beautifully refined version of the one I first read.
Dessa's story is one that pulled me in and has stuck with me over the months since I first read it. I'm a sucker for sibling stories, and the relationship between Dessa and her little brother, Rodney, is one I fully believed existed in real life. This goes for *each* of the relationships Lauren Spieller has written. No character is tossed onto the page solely as an excuse for Dessa to grow, but they all exist as their own people with their own stories, and they are all very respectfully told.
The heart Spieller has put onto the page is infectious and is clearly felt. Dessa's self-discovery through her family and friends, her passion for art, her decisions and dreams for her life are thoughtfully crafted, and it has me looking forward to her next book.
It's an incredibly empowering book to read, especially for teenagers at junctures in their life--encouraging them to keep focused and strive for their own dreams. Not the dreams their family or friends may have for them, but their *own*.
Altogether, Dessa's story was artfully, beautifully written, and I highly recommend the read!

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